Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Really Simple Syndication

When considering the use of the Internet on multiple devices i started to think about how it could be simplified to accommodate for all devices. I had never really heard about RSS until recently when i started seeing these little orange boxes with a signal symbol inside on many sites. I therefore conducted research to find out more and discover how it has or could be implemented onto a variety of digital devices.

RSS is an XML-based system that allows a user to subscribe to their favourite websites. A websites content can be converted into a standardized format and then displayed using RSS-aware software and even displayed on another website.

I considered how RSS could now help users by making their processes quicker. The user will no longer need to visit a site as their most commonly used sites can be downloaded like a subscription and the information is at had if and when they need it. The RSS content is in a simplified format and there is no disruption from advertising etc, it is content in its raw state. In my opinion this is a new way to consider browsing and the user is becoming detached from the ‘online’ state and in control of the content that they receive.

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